What our country needs

Most of my friends seem to have firmly fixed views on who is right and who is wrong in Canada’s current political crisis.  Those of my friends who are evangelical Christians seem especially sure of their convictions.  Sometimes their absolute certainty on such at best uncertain matters reminds me of a humourous comment by Mark Lowry regarding the preachers of his childhood, to the effect that they were “sometimes wrong but never in doubt”.

Well, I confess it – I’m an evangelical Christian too.  But despite that fact, I seem to have this curious propensity to want to see all sides of an issue.

Yes, I do have my preferences as to who should govern our country.  On balance, I prefer Mr. Harper’s leadership to the other available options, despite his evident weaknesses (all leaders have weaknesses, even though it isn’t considered politically wise to admit that fact – and therein lies part of the problem).  I am relieved that the Governor General agreed to prorogue Parliament and thus save the government from defeat at the hands of the Liberal-NDP-Bloc coalition, because I believe the newly-elected government should have a chance to govern.

But I also hope that the government and the opposition parties profit from their 7-week recess to take stock of their attitudes and come back with a determination to actually work together for the good of the country.  That, after all, is why they were elected.  I would like to see our Parliamentarians – especially the Prime Minister, the Leader of the Opposition, and the leaders of the Bloc and the NDP – grow up and learn to behave with humility, dignity, civility, integrity, statesmanship and grace.   Our country needs real leaders – not just people who are good at outwitting one another in backroom deals, and coming up with effective put-downs and sound bites to make themselves look good and the opponent look bad.

Our Prime Minister did not win a majority government, no matter how much he might regret that fact.  He can only win the support of the House if he is able to convince at least one other party that his government has worthy policies to offer.  That task will require him to overcome his legendary stubbornness enough to actually follow up on his recent offer to receive constructive policy suggestions from the other parties.  And the opposition parties, who haven’t been very convincing in their claim that their coalition was born out of the purest and noblest of motives, need to make up their minds to treat the resumption of Parliament as a chance to make a  positive contribution, not just as another opportunity to grab power.  If they play the same game again when Parliament resumes in January, they may find that they pay a heavy price at the polls in the election that is almost certain to follow.  Canadians seem to be saying pretty clearly that they are tired of all the game-playing.

Well, that’s my take, anyway.  I think it’s time to move beyond partisan approaches and seek a more collegial approach.  We are in a crisis, and no other approach will do.   In closing, I’d like to encourage you to read this excellent article by Bruce Clemmenger of the Evangelical Fellowship of Canada.  Feel free to post your comments.


Why are you afraid?

A recent poll shows that in the wake of this week’s crisis in the House of Commons, 72% of Canadians are very concerned about the future of our country.   The ongoing slide in financial markets, coupled with this week’s news about job losses, has people worried about the economy as well.

The problems are real enough.  People worry because they feel helpless to change these situations that affect their lives.  And the truth is that indeed, we don’t have all that much control over either our government or the economy – so from one perspective it makes sense to worry, right ?

Wrong.  The reality is that worrying solves nothing – it only paralyzes us into inaction.

One day Jesus’ disciples were out on Lake Galilee in a fishing boat and a storm came up.  They were terrified of drowning, and woke Jesus up, begging Him to save them.  Why was he sleeping?  Didn’t he care?   Jesus immediately commanded the storm to cease, and peace returned to the frightened men in the little boat.  But he had no words of apology for sleeping during the storm.  Instead, he challenged them with these words: “Why were you afraid, O you of little faith?

While many things are beyond our control, each of us has the freedom to make some choices that do affect our lives and the world around us.  Each of us has a measure of authority in a certain sphere that God assigns to us.  At a minimum, we all have authority over our own spirit, our own thought life, our own emotions, our own responses to the people in our lives and the things that happen around us, our use of time and money.  When we allow ourselves to be ruled by worry and anxiety, we surrender our authority to the Devil and become unable to act in faith, unable to take any positive action, unable to make wise choices.  All we can see is disaster on the horizon; so we either do nothing, or make poor choices that only make things worse.

So what’s the solution?  How do you get rid of worry?  The Bible says we get rid of worry by turning our worries over to God.  We need to recognize that worry is actually one of the Enemy’s weapons which he uses against us.  The Apostle Paul tells us to use faith as a shield against these negative thoughts that are aimed at us to bring us down.

I know what I’m talking about; I am someone who used to carry a heavy load of worry and anxiety.  I no longer do.  The change wasn’t instantaneous; it came over many years, as I learned to consciously replace thoughts of fear with thoughts of faith.  One of the most powerful weapons in this fight is the spoken Word of God.  I often speak God’s promises over my own life to encourage myself.  I do it because it works!

Aren’t the problems real ?  Sure they are – and speaking God’s promises doesn’t make them go away.  But it does put them in perspective.  When worries rise up to attack the fortress of my thought life, I put them down with God’s words of truth, and peace returns to my heart and mind.  I am then free to see the landscape around me as it really is, and receive God’s guidance as to the best course of action.  And He does give practical wisdom – if my mind is free to receive it.  Some things I can control; some I can’t.  I need to recognize which situations I can influence, focus on those, and leave the rest in God’s hands – in peace, without fear.  Long ago King David wrote that God guides the steps of those who trust in Him.  I’ve found that to be a true and reliable promise.  Will there be problems?  Sure, but I don’t have to face them alone.  God is with me.  He’ll be with you too, if you choose to trust Him.


Where change has to start

Like many Canadians, I’m very concerned about recent events in Canada’s Parliament.  Many people are shaking their heads and saying, “What on earth is going on here?”

What is going on here ?  Arrogance and hypocrisy – that’s what.   It’s that simple, and no-one is innocent.

Let’s step back from the rhetoric and flag-waving, and look at what really happened.  No matter what anyone says to the contrary, the government’s decision to withdraw the subsidy from the smaller parties is the real issue.  That’s what triggered the reaction from the Opposition.  Now they’re into a spat, and no-one wants to admit that they realize they’re jeopardizing the stability of the country over something so trivial, because that would mean admitting they were wrong.

And let’s face it, everyone is wrong in this scenario.

The government is wrong because of its arrogance and hypocrisy.  The government’s decision to withdraw the subsidy is like saying “we won the election, now we’re going to rub your nose in it”.  No matter what anyone says, it was an unnecessary slap in the face to the smaller parties, and the amount of money saved wouldn’t even have been that large in the grand scheme of things – only about a dollar per year per Canadian.  And now that they’re in real danger of losing power, they are trying to say that all they are concerned about is the good of the country, when the truth is they just want to protect their own kingdom.

The coalition is wrong because of its arrogance and hypocrisy.  While they too are claiming to have only the best interests of Canadians at heart, their real agenda – a grab for power and a chance to get back at the hated Tories – is obvious to anyone with eyes to see.   A party that got its lowest share of the popular vote in 141 years is going to save the country by banding together with a party that wants to destroy the country and a party that hasn’t won a federal election in its 75-year history, and the Prime Minister is going to be a man who was so soundly defeated in the last election that even his closest supporters told him it was time to step down?   Come on, let’s be honest.  This is not about the good of the country.  It’s about a chance for the Liberals and the NDP to put Stephen Harper in his place.

But ordinary Canadians are wrong too.  We’re just as arrogant as the leaders we condemn.  Their cynicism and opportunism are just a reflection of our own.  We get the government we deserve.  We act so shocked that our politicians are behaving this way – yet I can’t count the number of times I’ve heard someone say “All politicians are crooks”.  Maybe it’s not so surprising that they behave like crooks when that’s all we expect of them.

It’s easy to point the finger at someone else – after all, both sides in the House of Commons are doing it, so why not follow their lead and point the finger at the lot of them – but what about us?  Most of us have lost our vision for a better country, a righteous country, a country of high ideals.  We’ve forgotten that a country can be no better than its citizens.  Maybe It’s time for us to take a cold, hard look at what a cynical, self-interested, short-sighted people we have become.  We need to expect better of our Parliamentarians, yes – but we also need to expect better of ourselves.   If I want my leaders to live by high standards, standards of integrity, trustworthiness, truthfulness, compassion and vision – do I expect the same things of myself?   That’s where change has to start.


God still believes in you

Recently I talked with a friend who is struggling in some key areas.  He and his wife have both been down a difficult road in life, and their marriage is not in great shape.

When my friend told me what was going on,  I felt very inadequate.  I wanted to help him, but the problems seemed so huge.  So I did the only thing I know to do when I don’t have an answer – I went to the One who knows every heart.   During a time of worship, I took some time to quiet my own thoughts, laid the whole situation before God, and sought to listen to the inner voice of the Spirit.  Suddenly I realized that there was something He wanted me to say to my friend.  It was simply this : “God still believes in you”.

I don’t know if my words encouraged my friend (although I believe they did), but I know they encouraged me.  If God believes in me, then maybe I can make a difference despite my inadequacies.  If God believes in me, then I can see beyond the pressures, fears and concerns of the moment, and look for the golden thread of His purpose and calling in my life.  If God believes in me, then my effort to follow Jesus and do the right thing is worth it.

I’ve messed up more times than I can remember.  I stopped keeping track a long time ago … about the same time that I finally got hold of the truth that Jesus loves me, that I don’t need to be perfect to earn His acceptance, that His mercy is for people like me.

When I realize God still believes in me, then I can believe in myself and find the courage to try again.  I can also believe in those around me, and honour and encourage them, even though they too have their faults.  If I need mercy, so do they !

God still believes in you.  Do you believe it ?  It’s true !  And it’s the best news there is.  He doesn’t make bad investments – he only invests in pure gold.   That’s what you are destined to become as you let Him continue to work in your life – pure gold.


So how was your weekend …

When I get to work today, I know people are going to ask “so how was your weekend?”.  I had a great weekend!  It was great because I spent it with some awesome people.

My weekend started with a really productive Saturday morning.  I got to spend Saturday morning in one of my favourite activities – a building project.

Now, those of you who know me well are aware that I’m not a skilled carpenter or craftsman.  But that’s not the kind of building project I’m talking about.  I wasn’t working with wood or brick or ceramic or drywall – I was working with people.

What was I doing ?   Meeting with about a dozen small group leaders and potential leaders from our church.  What’s so exciting about that, you ask ?  It was exciting because of the incredible, quality people I was with.

  • They are motivated to love God and serve others
  • They know what really matters and what doesn’t
  • They are willing to be vulnerable and aren’t trying to impress others
  • They are seeking reality, not trying to escape from it
  • They are willing to be trained and to learn new skills for the sake of serving others
  • People from different generations were meeting together as friends and listening to each other
  • They understand the incredible value of the true life that Jesus gives, and are willing to open up their homes and their time to share that life with others

At our church we say that we are seeking to reach our city and touch our world one person at a time.  The people I hung out with Saturday morning are world changers.  They are world changers because they are people changers.  We need more like them !


When your destiny is under attack

The last few days I’ve been re-reading the exciting story of the first Christian community as recorded in the Acts of the Apostles.  Talk about adventures – for those guys, it seems every day was an adventure.  Church was anything but dull.

In Acts chapter 7, everything seemed to be going great!  The church was growing in numbers, community life was vibrant, and they saw the Holy Spirit at work to such an extent that miracles were common.  They even managed to solve a conflict that had threatened to divide the church, by creating a team of seven servant-leaders to assist the apostles, preparing the way for further growth.

Then – disaster struck, as the church began to encounter persecution from the religious police.  First one of their new servant-leaders was attacked and killed.  Then the whole church began to suffer one attack after another.  People were getting thrown in jail just for believing that Jesus was the Messiah.  Most of the Christ-followers left town, running away from Jerusalem to the surrounding towns and cities where they’d be harder to track down.  Only the apostles (main leaders) were left.  This seemed to be a disaster – the worst thing that could have happened.

We can probably all understand why these persecuted Christ-followers might look for a safe place when things got dicey.  It only made sense for them to stay out of harm’s way for a while, waiting for things to settle down.  Except that’s not what they did!  Instead of staying quiet, they proclaimed the good news of Jesus wherever they went.  Philip went to the city of Samaria; he told the people about Jesus, and so many paralytics and cripples were healed that they had a major revival.

This story got me thinking about how we respond when everything is turned upside down, when our world no longer feels safe and secure.  We all like it when things are going well, but what do we do when the rug gets pulled out from under us and our visions and dreams are under attack?

Philip and his friends probably weren’t looking for persecution.  No-one in their right mind would do that.  But when it came, they didn’t doubt God’s faithfulness – they assumed that God was with them in it, and acted in faith, not fear.  As a result, what seemed like disaster became a stepping-stone to seeing their destiny fulfilled.

What about us ?


Adventures with God

My son Simeon and his wife Heather are on an adventure with God.   Heather is a US citizen, Simeon is Canadian.   They have been married just over 2 years.  After starting out in Canada,  Simeon left a steady job in Ottawa to move with his bride to her home town (Bloomington, Minnesota) to pursue God’s call on their lives.  They are living on campus at Bethany International in Bloomington MN.  Simeon is serving as an intern at Bethany House of Prayer – a 24/7 prayer ministry modeled on IHOP in Kansas City.   He loves it!   He is busy, honing his gifts in worship and prayer,  and learning new skills in a number of practical areas.   Simeon’s visa doesn’t allow him to work for pay, so Heather has been “bringing home the bacon”.  With a baby on the way, they are in the process of applying for residency for Simeon so that he will be able to support the family.   Not surprisingly, they are facing some financial challenges.  They believe they are where they are supposed to be, but their faith is being tested.

Depending on our faith level, situations like this can seem either terrifying or exciting.  How will God provide for them ? Will Simeon get his residency in time ?  Will he be able to get a job ?  What if …

For those who claim to follow Jesus, the Bible contains some amazing promises of God’s faithfulness and provision.  But it also contains a basic challenge.  The challenge comes in the form of a question from God’s heart to ours : “Do you trust me ?”   I’ve discovered that it’s actually easier to trust God for my own life than for my children’s lives.  I’ve had my own adventures with God, plenty of them … and He has proven faithful every time.   Will I trust God to be faithful to my son, his wife and their unborn child ?  Do I really believe that God is in control and that He is good to those who put their trust in Him ?

I’ve made my choice.  Although faith may seem foolish at times, it is better to trust God than to trust human wisdom; and it is better to trust God than to be ruled by fear and anxiety.   Although I’m tempted to worry about them, I’m so glad that Simeon and Heather have stepped out in faith, and I’m determined to trust their choices, encourage them in their adventure, and pray prayers of faith over their lives.  When it comes right down to it, I’ll pick an adventure with God any day over the choice to play it safe.   How about you ?


Being real

I sometimes tell people that the older I get, the less I know.  I don’t mean that I’ve forgotten lots of stuff – although that’s probably also true … can’t remember for sure.  What I mean is that I am no longer so fixated on having all the answers.  I think I’m finally starting to realize that God is God and I’m not … as a result, my relationship with God has gotten a lot simpler and a whole lot less frustrating.

I have learned some things, though.  One of the most valuable lessons I’ve learned is that God is looking for integrity and honesty of heart.   A lot of what goes on in our culture is about image.  We often mock politicians for being insincere but the truth is that there’s something in all of us that wants to look good – to impress others.  But God is not impressed with any of the things that we do to impress ourselves or others.  I once heard Graham Cooke say that God doesn’t get disillusioned with us when we fail because He had no illusions about us in the first place!  When we try to fool ourselves and others, God is not fooled.  He sees us as we really are.

That thought can be disturbing and a bit unsettling as long as you are still trying to impress others, or trying to convince yourself that everything is OK when you know it’s really not.  Once you give up that attempt, it’s strangely comforting to be dealing with a Being who sees you exactly as you are, speaks only the truth to you, and is committed to helping you see yourself – and all of life – the way He does.

If you want to know about seeing life from God’s perspective, a great place to start is by getting to know Jesus.  He is a perfect reflection of God’s character.   He is totally, unwaveringly truthful, will puncture all your illusions, and then when you finally collapse He will pick you up and show you amazing kindness, unlike anyone else on earth.  That’s because He doesn’t come from earth – He comes from heaven, to reveal his Father’s goodness to a race that has been captive to deception for a long time.


Is God good ?

You can’t answer that question based on what life throws at you.  We live in a messed-up (fallen) world, but we have a good God.  In this confusing world we can see the works of a good God and the works of the Evil One.  Jesus had a personal revelation of who God was before he ever came into this world.  That’s why He could reveal God’s goodness and kindness to people who had been hammered by life.  That’s why He could live with courage and offer hope to others.

Last weekend Marion and I attended a concert with Brian Doerksen and Kathryn Scott.  It was  my wife’s date idea, and she picked a good one (thanks, honey ! )

I love Brian Doerksen’s music but I also love his honesty about life.   He doesn’t varnish life – he talks about the painful experiences – but he also talks about how he has experienced God’s kindness in the midst of struggles.   Brian and his wife Joyce have six children, including two sons with Fragile X syndrome and autism.  At the concert Brian recounted what a struggle it was when Isaiah, the younger son, was born,  and Brian and Joyce learned that he had the same disability as his older brother Ben.  Then he shared a beautiful, moving song he had written about how God’s faithfulness was revealed to him in an even deeper way in the midst of this pain.

Illness and death were not part of God’s original plan, but in a world that has been marred by sin, all of us are touched by illness and death.  But some people seem to get more than their share.  What’s it been like for Brian and Joyce to have two disabled children ?  Brian says “It’s been a huge challenge and an incredible blessing. Both of my sons are teaching me much about life and the heart of God.”  He adds, “(Joyce and I) make sure we keep investing in our marriage, because over 80 percent of marriages with special-needs kids end in divorce”.  You can read more about this on Brian’s website.

What I love about Brian’s approach to life is that he doesn’t just believe God is good, he knows God’s goodness and kindness from personal experience – but he also knows that this doesn’t mean everything will always go just the way he wants it to, and he has come to a place where that’s just the way he wants it to be – because in the end, God is god and we’re not.

Here are some questions I’ve asked about this whole issue – I think they’re questions everyone asks, in one way or another – and the answers I’ve come up with.

Is God good ?  Yes, very good – in fact He defines goodness.

Can I trust Him?  Yes, it’s the only choice you have if you want a life worth living.  No-one else is ultimately trustworthy.

If I trust God, will I have a good life ?  You’ll have an awesome life – but not necessarily an easy one.  God will be with you in it, though, and it will be far, far better than your life could ever have been without God.  In the end, it’s the only way to really live.


A new season

A few weeks ago we scattered my parents’ ashes at a family gathering at their cottage on Cranberry Lake near Seeley’s Bay, Ontario.  It was an emotional time as all of us had spent many happy times at the cottage with Oma and Opa (as most of the grandchildren knew them).  They had both been vigorous, active, and full of life until close to the end of their earthly journey, and had played a huge role in the lives of their children and grandchildren.

Just a few days before the ceremony, Marion attended a shower for our first grandchild.  Our son Simeon and his wife Heather are expecting their first child in February 2009.   This is very exciting and of course we are thrilled.  My older brother Jan, who is already a grandfather, tells me that it is a wonderful experience.

That’s how life is.  One season ends, a new one begins.  One generation passes on, a new one comes on the scene.  I am entering the last lap of my life – Marion and I are the matriarch and patriarch now in our branch of the Hartgerink line.  It seems strange, but that’s the way it is.  I always knew my parents would die, yet somehow it was still a shock – they had always been there, solid, dependable, and now they are gone.

The thought that I will die doesn’t discourage me or depress me, because I know that ultimately I am living for eternity.  But it’s sobering to realize that I am the one now that my children and grandchildren will look up to, as our generation looked up to my Dad.  Will my example be worth following ?  Will I be a blessing to them as I have been blessed ?  Will my life point them to Jesus ?


Reflections on living a life without regrets – a life that will make God smile