A Grandpa’s Prayer

While visiting our beloved family in Kansas City, I have been thinking about what I most desire for my three beautiful granddaughters here in the USA, as well as my five precious Canadian grandchildren.

I want them to know that they are deeply and eternally loved and chosen by God. Yes, I want them to know that Mom and Dad, Grandma and Grandpa love them. But even more than that, I want them to know that their lives come from the hand of a God who loves them and made them to enjoy His love forever.

I want them to know that Jesus is real and alive, that He gave His life to set them free from an empty, barren, self-obsessed existence, that He is alive and can live in them by the power of the Holy Spirit, that He is the way to the Father’s house, that He is coming again to make all things new.

I want them to know that their lives are not an accident or a mistake. In the midst of the increasing darkness, chaos and confusion of this age, they can be children of the light who enjoy, reflect and display the beauty, glory, greatness and wisdom of God, now and forever.

I want them to have eyes of faith to see Jesus in his mercy and his resurrection glory, and to know that His eyes are on them, that He is even now interceding for them.

We live in troubled times, but Jesus is our hope in the midst of the trouble of this age.  I want them to know that hope.  And so I set my heart to pray.

When the Son of man comes, will he find faith on the earth?

