Why I need to worship

Worship settles my heart and gives me God’s perspective

Worship fills me with joy and peace

Worship changes my heart

Nothing else helps me see God’s Kingdom the way worship does

Worship draws me into the presence of the Almighty and refreshes my spirit

In worship, all the promises of God are made real to me

In worship, I get a glimpse of God’s glory – I get a glimpse of God as He really is, the One who alone is good

In worship, I see myself as I really am – not the centre of the universe, but a beloved child who needs my Father

In worship I receive the grace to love God and love others

In worship I am reminded of my identity, my destiny and my calling

For all these reasons, and most of all because He is worthy, I will make the daily choice to be a worshipper of my wonderful God.

“The chief end of man is to glorify God and to enjoy Him forever” – Westminster Catechism
