This testimony comes from Gola Tiruneh, a young man from City Church in Ottawa currently on a missions trip in Indonesia. Gola first posted this in Facebook yesterday. It’s an amazing story and will build your faith. What Gola has to say is definitely worth meditating on. Read on …
Grace with no strings attached
After speaking briefly with Andy, I prayed a simple prayer commanding the sickness to leave his body. And I encouraged him not to fear but to rest in what Jesus has done on his behalf. The next day, he was off to Malaysia. The doctors in Malaysia confirmed the worst as well. We kept believing that Jesus took Andy’s sickness and nailed it to the cross 2000 years ago. Two days later Andy left the hospital walking! Totally healed! Oh that makes me wanna shout and jump around. All glory to Jesus. And none for me. Needless to say all the family acknowledged it was a miracle from God and gave thanks to the Lord.
Maybe you have been given bad news recently about your health. Be encouraged, the same Jesus that healed Andy has already healed you too!
Read this verse carefully
‘He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, so that we might die to sis and live for righteousness; by his wounds you have been HEALED.’ 1 Peter 2:24
Notice it does not say you WILL be healed or you are BEING healed. YOU HAVE BEEN HEALED! When did that happen? 2000 years ago before you were born, before your mama and papa were born, before you even fell sick! That is our Gospel. Its good news! And we know news is not news until it has already happened. Therefore the Gospel is the good that God has done on your behalf 2000 years ago. It is a gift of God. It is God’s grace being completely extended to you with no strings attached.
Here is another verse I have been meditating on
‘For if, by the trespass of one man, death reigned through that one man, how much more will those who receive God’s abundant provision of grace and the gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man, Jesus Christ.’ Romans 5:17
Are you reigning in life today, or are life’s circumstances reigning over you? What is reigning over you today? Maybe sin, fear, bitterness, sickness, or a certain bad habit you cannot break off. I have Gospel (good news) for you my friend. You can receive the two things mentioned above and reign over everything. God’s abundant provision of grace and the gift of righteousness will cause you to reign over all through Jesus Christ! Amen. Grace is given for free to all without strings attached. Or else is no more grace. Righteousness is a gift. We have Jesus righteousness imparted in us through the new birth. If you have been born again all these things are yours already. What is left to do then? Believe Him, thank Him and receive His grace and His righteousness and reign in life.
Hope you are reigning today.
Your brother in Christ from Indonesia.
Sure, as long as you acknowledge it. I myself took this testimony from a missions trip report by a friend.